WCA Regulations and Guidelines: Translations

Available Translations

Note: Even though these translations are provided on the WCA website, they are not official versions: they may be useful to you, but they do not come with any guarantees. If there is a difference between a translation and the (current official) English version, the English version must be used.

Note that the Regulations had many revisions in 2013. Older translations are likely to have incorrect sections.

Translating the Regulations

If you'd like to (re)-translate the Regulations, please use the following process:

All translations will be kept on GitHub. If you're familiar with git/GitHub, you're also welcome to fork the wca-documents repository. This makes it easy for you to make changes that the WRC can update on the site. (As of early February 2012, we're already using this to track the German and Russian translations.) If you're not familiar with GitHub, don't worry about it, and just send us your translation.