⏯ Twizzle ᴬᴸᴾᴴᴬ |
Lucas Garron, Tom Rokicki, etc. |
alpha.twizzle.net |
⏯ Alg |
Lucas Garron |
alg.cubing.net |
⏱ Timer |
Lucas Garron |
timer.cubing.net |
🖼️ Icons |
Devin Corr-Robinett, et al. |
icons.cubing.net |
🔀 Scramble |
Lucas Garron |
scramble.cubing.net |
🔢 WCA Inspection web app |
Lucas Garron |
inspection.cubing.net |
⏪ Negative Time Solving Contest |
Lucas Garron (formerly Shotaro Makisumi) |
negative-time.cubing.net |
🧪 Experiments (cubing.js) |
Lucas Garron, Tom Rokicki, etc. |
experiments.cubing.net/cubing.js |
↔️ Bluetooth |
Lucas Garron |
bluetooth.cubing.net |
👓 Virtual Reality |
Lucas Garron |
vr.cubing.net |
⚔️ FMC Duel |
Lucas Garron |
fmc-duel.cubing.net |
🎮 Experimental Javascript Cube Sim |
Lucas Garron |
twisty.js |
👆 Mobile/Touch Cube Interaction Concept |
Lucas Garron |
Touch Cube |
PLL Trainer |
Lucas Garron |
ACube port to Javascript |
(Josef Jelinek, et al.) |
ACube.js |
ksolve+ port to Javascript |
(Kare Krig, Michael Gottlieb, et al.) |
ksolve.js |
ksolve state sim + SVG visualization in JS |
Lucas Garron |
ksolve-js-svg |
Javascript WCA-Style Scrambler |
Lucas Garron, et al. |
Mark 2 |
The WCA's Finest News Source |
Shelley Chang |
carrot.cubing.net |
Cube Software Archive |
Lucas Garron |
cubing.net/software |
CALCubeTimer |
Jeremy Fleischman, Ryan Zheng |
CCT Homepage |
Live Competition Results for the World |
Jim Mertens |
live.cubing.net |
Online Timer by Michael Gottlieb |
Michael Gottlieb |
qqtimer.net  |
Cubing on GitHub |
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github.com/cubing  |
JS Cubing |
- |
js.cubing.net |
Cubing Archive |
- |
archive.cubing.net |
Cubing Notation |
- |
notation.cubing.net |
AnimCubeJS |
Josef Jelínek, Tadeáš Miler, Michael Feather |
animcubejs.cubing.net |
Remembering David Singmaster |
- |
singmaster.cubing.net |
A place for hosting results from unofficial Rubik's cube competitions. |
Deni Mintsaev, et al. |
cubingcontests.com |